
"Why? Why?"

I woke up in the middle of the night and I could hear my own breathing...

I was actually panting... giant sweat drops rolled down my already wet face and falling off my chin...

I was breathing heavily and my heartbeats were still racing as if I had a turbo boost of adrenaline in my blood...

In the dead night... my heart discharged blood like a V8 engine pumping out 800 horses and I could even hear the valves hissing deep within... as if I had an amplifier located next to my heart...

I swallowed hard but I realised my throat was dry, very dry.....

I tried hard to collect myself..... slowly..... memories started to flash..... I choked and coughed... my breathing got faster..... I startled... my mind paused for a moment... my heart skipped a beat... I felt a sharp pain in my heart..... very sharp pain...... I had never have such experience in my life before.....

Finally my system slowed down... breathing started to get normal again... I realised I had a strange dream... maybe to some it should be called a nightmare..................................

Memory started flashing again and I started to recall my strange dream..... a very strange one......

I do not know where am I but it didnt take too long that I come to see myself pinned on the wall. I am standing on the right of myself... actually I am seeing another me pinned on the wall. There's a woman infront of that me...

Edward is pinned on the wall by a woman. She has something in her hands and Edward is holding it as well on his chest. Edward's back is not against the wall but a dagger is protruding out the body...

Fresh blood is gushing out from his chest and his back. As the woman speaks, the dagger seems to penetrate further. The dagger breaks the surface of the blood stained wall and concrete starts falling off it. The agony on Edward's face deepens as she continues to speak. As each second ticks by the dagger gets deeper and deeper into his chest.....

I couldnt hear what the lady is whispering to Edward but his tears are like rivers from his sunken eyes and it flows down his face meeting his blood and flows down to the ground.

The lady suddenly laughs and Edward chokes and coughs... deep red blood splatter out of his mouth onto the lady's gown. Slowly, blood also begins to flow down from his lips and his teeth are all bloodily stained with his own fresh blood...

I am frozen and couldnt even activate a limp. My mouth is wipe opened and tears flow down my cheeks with no control...

The lady begins to laugh and chatter... her voice echoes deep within my empty soul. My spirit quivers with uncertainty... Edward's face turns pale and his eyes are half shut but his tears overflow his sunken sockets... He is in great pain! The lady shows no mercy as she continues to whip his spirit with her careless whispers and her laughter breaks his soul like a mirror shattering into millions pieces... As the dagger gets deeper and deeper her laughter echoes louder and louder in my mind...

Edward's body is shaken and his legs begins to show witness. His knees begin to fold and the dagger's tip drags on the wall... Edward's blood is still gushing madly out of his body. Suddenly the lady stops whispering. She just stares at Edward with her blood shot eyes wide opened...

I looked at Edward... he uses his last breathe and strength he has and put on a wide grin, gently whispering something into the lady's ears. Upon hearing the gentle whisper, the lady twists and turns the dagger... Edward shows no signs of anger or regrets... his soul fakes away slowly while his wide grin remains concrete on his face... his spirit unwilling shuts his eyes... gently... gently... gently... his smile remains...

The lady is shocked and takes a step backwards. Surprisingly there's no blood in her hands... the blood stains on her gown disappears with a glow and flash... her long fringes block my sight to her expression on her face. I try to move towards her but my limps refuse to listen. I want to know her face but I just couldnt see her clearly... I couldnt recognise her at all. Who is she? I want to know!

The lady suddenly disappears into the thin air... leaving behind a whisper.... "Why? Why?"

Edward's body remains hanging on the dagger while his blood continues to flow profusely out of his chest... the dagger has his heart pierced right in the center..... pinned against the wall........

I want to know who is she..........

"Why? Why?"

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