
It is easier to believe than to use our brains to think...

“If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.” - Albert Einstein

The above quote is indeed true and being a Singaporean, I know how real this is. Singaporeans, get a life! We are a FINE city!

It is the weee.... hour of the day where and when a new day begins and I am not asleep. I am suppose to sleep now and get up early to meet up with some seniors for a fishing trip at a local pay pond.

Why am I awake? All because of a brother-in-christ called me to tell me that if I do not turn back to Christ now, God is going to withdraw all His blessings from me and going to curse me... Does God really do such a thing when I believe in mercy and grace and about His second coming? What have I done wrong lately to be worthy of such an act upon my life? Did I steal, murder, bang someone's wife, rob, cheat etc....? Come on, I was playing playing with my dog and I got such a phone call... Thanks and no thanks dude.

What has he done lately and God will not curse him instead? Is it that he is very obedient? Is it that he is very holy? Is it that he is a true servant of a true God? The questions are an awful lots if you use your mind to think about it than to believe something he said before...

How many times, how many times had he proclaim something in the name of the Lord that he shall receive this, do that, get them.... and how many actually come to past? How many times did he defend his words by blaming himself exactly that he had been disobedient? Many. Period.

“Believing is easier than thinking. Hence so many more believers than thinkers.”- Bruce Calvert

For me, I believe that God is real and I believe God indeed exist but who is He then? I do not have an answer. Why? It is because, it is easier to believe than to think. Seriously, I have thought about it and there are so many questions that I do not have an answer... the easier way out is to believe that there is a God in this universe and all my questions are solved... God works in mysterious ways that mere humans cannot understand why.

"I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.” - Frederick Douglass, escaped slave

"Free will."
Both Lucifer and Adam started out in sinless environments, yet they still sinned. Why? Because they had free will. The only way to prevent sin from occurring again is to eradicate free will. How true can this be? Why have free will in the first place when punishment follow straightly after the wrong path? Didn't the prodigal son had his free will too? What did he get when he returns to his father? Did the father punish him and damn him forever? What is the point then to have a burning lake of sulphur? Eradicated? Are we all damned?

"God says do what you wish, but make the wrong choice and you will be tortured for eternity in hell. That sir, is not free will. It would be akin to a man telling his girlfriend, do what you wish, but if you choose to leave me, I will track you down and blow your brains out. When a man says this we call him a psychopath and cry out for his imprisonment. When god says the same we call him "loving" and build churches in his honor."-William C. Easttom II


Anonymous said...

John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"

The past weeks i have been tested strongly in my own faith. My faith in my close friends was put up against my faith in the Lord.


Forget all other things and...

Stand on his finished work.

The Duck

Edward Ng said...

What is the truth when your father says you could do anything in his authorised freewill but will be baked in the oven forever if you choose the wrong choice when there is only two choices?

This is more like a threat if you think about it in context than simply in belief.

I just roasted the DUCK.