
Look at all the nasty blue claws... if not careful... a nasty bite as a result... I could hear them snapping away..... "Snap snap snap snap snap.........." From far... "OUCH!!! You #$%#@#$@ prawn!!! OUCH!!!" Hahaha

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Anonymous said...

Hello Edward, what is the prawn release schedule nowadays?

Edward Ng said...

Hi leon,

The release of the prawns are done only during delivery which is twice to thrice a week in the day about noon. Upon arrival, all prawns will go straight into the ponds now.

We dont keep them in storage tanks anymore and thus, you wouldnt see any release of prawns during other times of the day. Although you dont see us releasing prawns at all if you only come in the evening but please be ensured that we have lots of prawns inside the ponds for fishing.
