
FAQ for "Longkang Fishing"


"Yesterday I came, must I pay again to let my children play in the longkang?"
Ans: Yes. (No free lunches alright? Tomorrow, must you still pay for your lunch? I have to pay rental everyday. No discount from Bottle Tree Park.)

"Can I get two nets instead of one? I will pay for the extra net. Two nets, one tank. Cheaper lah?!!???"
Ans: No. (You are asking for extra net and discount. Who is going to give me discount for my rental?)

"So, if I come everyday, then I have to pay $10 each time? Discount lah?"
Ans: No. (I don't believe you will come everyday without fail to let your child play at my longkang. So far, no one has done that yet. If you do, confirm give you discount.)

"At home so many tanks liao. I dont want the tanks. Just sell me the net lah."
Ans: No. (If everyone just purchase the net at $1.50 each, very soon I will be shaking leg at home and thinking about what should I do next..... no more longkang next month already.)

"Just give me a net lah. I dont want the fish. Just let my kid play play lah. Catch and release only. Ok? I will tell no one."
Ans: No. (You will definitely tell everyone how stupid the counter guy is for allowing you to let your kids play for free. FAT HOPE.)

"I have three kids. Can 2 plus one free?"
Ans: No. ("Boss, I pay two months rental in a row, then one month free can?")

"Weekdays nevermind lah. Give discount lah. I buy one more net from you lah. No need tank. I know weekend cannot but weekday more relax abit lah."
Ans: No. (Weekdays or weekends, all the same. Everyday I am paying rent and no such days as 'relax' days for me either.)

"I use my own things, give special lah."
Ans: No. If you use your own things, you will be stopped immediately. we have to be fair to all customers.

Please bear in mind that if you are going to allow your kids play in the longkang without paying, it is as good as stealing from me. Don't tell me that they are children and they don't know anything. You as parents, should have stopped them. Instead of letting them doing what they want.

Yesterday, a big family of at least 15 came to the park. At least 4 boys were catching fish at my longkang using their bare hands. Despite countless times of warning them not to, they just kept going. Their parents just turned a deaf ear to my staff. The kids were catching fish and feeding to the fish at the main entrance to the restaurant where the reception is. They were all cheering for their kids when the kids brought 'stolen' fish from the longkang to feed the pacus and peacock basses.

I had no choice and so I told the kids not to carry on with their 'tricks' by giving them a stern look but with a smile in the end. They left and came back almost immediately when I walked away. They hid behind the rocks where my counter couldn't see them at all. They were all having fun and what gave them away was their loud cheering and laughters.

I went up to them and asked what were they doing. The youngest of the pack said, "Err... nothing lah. Just looking."

"Who gave you permission to catch the fish from my longkang and feed the fish?", I asked sternly. He ran away immediately.

I turned around, the elder brother was acting blurr and making stupid noise.

"Boy, why did you steal my fish?"
"No I didn't! It's the younger one...'
"Since you know that why didn't you stop him?"

He stood there stoned like a rock. Eyes on the floor and almost shivering...


He ran away immediately.

The parents saw me with their kids, they quickly stood up and walked away and left their kids alone to face me...

What are the singaporeans becoming to?

Ugly...... very.

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