
More funny incidents...

I opened my eyes this morning and realised that I slept in my office again. I think I havenet slept on my bed for more than 40hrs for the past whole month... (Seriously, no kidding...)

I walked into the cashier counter, sat there... trying hard to sober myself with some cold water.

Suddenyly, a lady outside the counter was saying something to me. I didnt make out what she said at first but after I asked her again... (I dont know her name...)

"Ooi, when are you going to write again? How come never update liao? The last time you update was on 29 leh. What funny incident? Faster go update!"

I paused for a moment...
In my mind I was asking myself, "Update what?"

Suddenly, something hit me... "Your blog lah, stupid!!!" (My other self shot me... hahaha)

"Oh, okok. I will be going home soon to update lah. Paiseh..."

(I was slow... so slow... she is an angler at Pasir Ris Pro-Fishing and also a READER of mine!!!)

Alright, back to the funny incidents...

Just a couple of nights ago, I was sitting at the shrimp ponds chit chatting with my customers and friends. At the corner of my eyes, I caught someone standing near my shrimps storage tanks... HE WAS URINATING!!!

I quickly made my way to the 'accident scene'... that fellow simply walked away and carried on fishing.

I didnt want to do anything to him.... I just asked my staff to turn on the tap so that I could wash the floor right behind him.... His head didnt even turn back to look... HE WAS SO COOL.... (YUCKS!)

I exercised silent...
I washed the floor...

Then I went to greet my friends and customers good night before I went to tuck myself on the sofa in the lounge to retire for the night. Just as my head touched the sofa, I saw someone walked up the stairs and was unzipping his pants... then disappeared behind the walls...

I rushed out! I caught him red-handed this time, AGAIN!!!

The conversations were all in hokkien.

"Ooi brother, I just washed the floor because of you leh... automatic mah? Toilet not here leh!"

He turned around and gave me a little.... "shhhh........"

The little shhh.... was SHHHHHHHH!!!!! to me...

Then he walked away again. This time he was packing up already. He didnt look at me again until he walked pass me later to go home... WEIRD!!!

Oh well... just wash the floor lor...

The next day, I found out from my friend that he actually knew who this guy was and confirmed it further by calling him. This funny guy apologised to me (words were past to his friend who called him). He told me that he was too drunk that night and didnt really know what he was doing. He said he wouldnt do it again. SORRY...

Oh well, he didnt mean any harm.

I should not persue the matter anymore too...

Anglers who come to Pasir Ris Pro-Fishing are here to relax and enjoy themselves. Sometimes, things might just get a little out of hand but we know that they mean no harm. We loose control sometimes too...

Nobody is perfect.

Actually, there is another 'funny' incident but I decided not write about it... Afterall, this guy thinks that he is not in the wrong and I shall not challenge him at all but the rest all shot him down... it is great to have friends...




Angel said...


Edward Ng said...


Last minute unable to upload due to work. Sorry to have kept you all waiting.

I will upload asap!

So sorry.

Happy New Year!!!