

It is almost 5am now... I just reached home...

I went thru a jungle... and finally found myself out of the forestation... it was tough... the trees were falling and the leaves were drier than I thought...

I bathed... and I need to leave the house in less than 30mins...

My eyelids are heavy... may the Lord watch over me...

Thru the ' forestation'... I urge to find a rose, a red one. I know that the red rose isnt there and I just let the 'forestation' past me without a note...

I am leaving for KL soon... I hope the red rose will be there some where out there... till the day I find it... I will ensure showers of love...

Till then..... I need to go pack up now... where is my passport???

I'll be back... tonight... shit... the game of chess is waiting for me... I cant wait anymore... except for the red little rose...

Cant figure out what am I talking about? Nevermind... I am partially under influenced... I should be sobered in the next few hours... I hope...

It was and is hard but I managed it...

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