
NFK - an organisation runs by wolves in sheep skins?

In recent years, NKF Singapore is always organising programmes to get viewers to donate money to the sick and needy. Lucky draws are even included into the programmes to tempt the 'cant-be-bothered' group. As claimed, the prizes are all donated by sponsors and not a single cent from the donations are used to make up the prizes.

With the new 'Lucky Draws' included in the programmes, viewers and donars increase by great proportion! Every thing seems to be right and of good alignment until a few years back when people started to question the organisation about the 'transparency' of their accounts. People are disappointed as how the funds are utilized are not very clear. This little spark during that time was quenched and those who stood up against the organisation were 'punished'. Those who stood up lost their case against NKFS's CEO - Mr Durai , and made to pay compensation for defaming the CEO. NKFS has turned infamous eversince...

Today, we found out that the spark wasnt quenched at all. The spark has even turned wild and evolved into a huge bush fire! Donars are all upset and there are even people going to NKF to take back what they had donated previously. As things get out-of-control, the voice of the ordinaries are not to be left alone. Donars are angry, upset, furious and to make things even worst, our dear First Lady - Mrs Goh, made an insensitive comment saying that Mr Durai's salary is peanut. S$600,000 a year (not including 12 months bonus) is peanut? Online petitions asking Mrs Goh to apologise are hitting the ceiling! Check it out - here!

Come on! Patients are still paying! 12 months bonus??? This is ridiculous!!! Furthermore, this is not a profitable organisation!!!

Mr Durai was holding the CEO post for 13 years and finally, he and his whole board resigned. For 13 years, he had made enough money to splurge his earnings by buying gold tap and made-in-Germany toilet bowl for his office's toilet. What difference does it have when water flow out of a gold tap? I hope he had saved enough money and bought enough insurance policies for himself and his family and especially his childrens. Why? I believe in retribution. No more 8 Mercs for you to play with... hahaha. 8 Mercs at his disposable!!!???!!! What a luxury as the CEO of NKFS!!!

From newspapers, NKFS under Mr Durai has quoted inaccurate figures of patients and funds. Such dishonest acts are despicable and he had turned NKFS into a money-making organisation! I feel so disgusted when I read the news or watched it on TV or in AsiaOne.com. What a sad period of time in Singapore's history.

I hope Mr Khaw would do a good job during the take over and straitly leave that sheep skin aside or even better, burn the sheep skin! I hope he wouldnt follow the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) set by Mr Durai and Mr Durai's footsteps into the years ahead.

12 months bonus for the CEO in an non-profitable organisation?
8 Mercedes Benz at his disposal?
Gold tap and made-in-Germany toilet bowl for his ass in his office?
Purposely project wrong figures to the public to 'beg' for more donations?

Mr Durai, well done! Your downfall is not by accident but an act of God!

TRANSPARENCY is critical for any organisation, even more so for a charitable one.

I believe in transparency in any organisation. No matter what types or class or sports, it is always good to be transparent. If there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to fear too!!!

I dont believe that you must first join and then get to know the details of an organisation. This would make it sounds like a 'secret society'. I do agree that members have their priviledges but how would someone become a member without knowing what's going on around in the organisation? Or are members selectively chosen?

"I dont like you and even you know the priviledges, I will not let you join!"

I am getting out of topic here and I think I better stop. LOL

*All the above are quoted from newspapers, TV broadcast and AsiaOne.com and none are my personal creation.*

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