
Where do they come from and where do they go???

Out in the reefs, Lucornia Shoal which is at least 14hrs from land, I saw sparrows, dragonflies and stink bugs. It is really strange to me and when I asked around, the people onboard could only guess how did they get there and not have a definite answer.

In the day, I saw many more birds out in the reefs but where do they take a break? In Lucornia Shoal, I was told that during the lowest tide, the reefs do not expose at all. Where? I only discover lots of birds resting onboard at night but during the day, I see them flying around out there.

The only conclusion that I thought of is when we made our way out to the reefs, the birds followed the vessel out into the open sea. Same for the insects. They could be probably seeking shelther in the vessel when we left.

5 nights and 4 days out in the bluewater, some of the birds died. I guess it is probably because of starvation and exhaustion. They must had been flying very hard to find land so that they could find food but their little bodies got exhausted as lands were all too far away...

I thought the death of the birds were sad already but when we got back on land, we were told by the locals that when the night we left the river for the reefs, a vessel right behind us had an unforunate incident. Someone onboard fell into the sea in the rough weather. The body was not discovered even when we were back... this is really sad.

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