Tomorrow, 20050811, I am going for a job interview. This is my first ever proper, serious, no joke job interview.
I am getting abit tense, abit worried, abit chaotic, abit dull, abit...
Somehow, I could feel the peace within when I get myself straighten up. Something tells me not to be afraid at all. It will be like a breeze in your face.
I am in the RSAF for so long and when I first joined RSAF, I only filled up an application form. Weeks later, I received 'good news' that I am in.
Now, after so many years, 8yrs I think, I am getting another piece of good news too - I am leaving the force, finally.
Many people asked why do I want to leave the force at 31. Simple reason, 'money not enough'.
Actually, it is just enough to live but not comfortably yet. I cant save much and cant do much too. My commitment is pretty high but I am not complaining. About 20% of my pay goes to my dear mum and I have people complaining to me that it is too much. It is not to me at all. Even if I could only save that little per month and cant fullfill much of my destiny, I am not worried at all. If she had never put in all those effort for her children, I wouldnt even be here too.
My mum single-handedly brought up my younger sister and me after my dad passed away when I was only 17. She did more than enough for us. I remember those days when she had to handle a few jobs all in a day.
It is time for my mum to relax and rest and enjoy what she couldnt in the past.
Eversince I was back from USA, she has always been a supporter in my life. No matter what mistakes I made, she is there to pardon me and encourage me.
It is my duty to let her 'shakes legs' now and not work but someone close to me disagrees. I cant be bothered with that as I think my mum has gone through quite alot on her own. The hardship is taking a toil on her and at her age she is experiencing some difficulty with her arms as she couldnt carry any heavy things anymore. It is time for her to take a good clean break and enjoy the latter part of her life now. No one can change my view and my current direction in life with my mum in view.
Tomorrow is a big day for me. I really want to get this job in Siemens VDO. Even if I do not pass the interview, I would take it easy too. Let it be a lesson then. If I do get it, I really hope that I would have the opportunity to go overseas and experience 'work' in a totally new manner.
I think God plays a big part in my life. I always believe in 'treating others like yourself' and you will 'reap what you sowed' in the future. Somehow, this opportunity is the fruit of my seeds. Even if it is only a interview and that's it, it is still a seed of opportunity to learn.
I hope I will not blow up the interview and I hope I could convince the management to take me in. It is all up to me now after the door was opened for me by someone who is so kind. I really appreciate it, thanks man!
Hopefully, when I am back tomorrow to update my blog, I would have another good news to share.
7 "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.
8 "For everyone who askes receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.
9 "Or what man is there among you when his son shall ask him for a loaf, will give him a stone?
10 "Or if he shall ask for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he?
11 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!
12 "Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Matt 7:7-12